


We offer consulting services that center on people development. We inherently believe that the original source of change in organizations is with people - and helping them to show up each day the best versions of themselves. We offer organizational development and design consulting and talent management consulting.

Professional speaking - Live and virtual

Professional speaking is the foundation of our business. It’s how we got our start and motivating people is our core competency. We move audiences to action and they will laugh, think and grow in the process. Our sweet spot is women in business audiences and collegiate leaders. We really hit with sales groups as well.


Executive Coaching

We are about the bottom line. The bottom line in business - financial results. And the bottom line in leadership - people. We are the best at making leaders their best. We offer tailored executive coaching based on the Hogan Leadership Forecast assessment and framework. Through strategic self awareness and focused coaching, we help leaders become more aware of their leadership style and the potential to lead their teams more effectively. We hold leaders accountable to their highest self and get more business results in the process.

WOrkshop facilitation - live and virtual

Audiences are never bored when they experience one of our leadership workshops. We are facilitators in the truest definition. We facilitate learning and development by taking a socratic approach through experiential learning. In simple terms, its not a one way conversation and you will be up and moving no matter the age of the audience.